Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So I need some advice fellow moms...SLEEPING! Reagan was doing SOO great she started sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago and it lasted for 2 weeks. We were in PA last week and she was waking up in the middle of the night and I figured it was probably because we were in different surroundings. Well she still will NOT sleep through the night...some nights she is even wanting to eat 6 ozs!! Could it be a growth spurt?! What do you think?

I feel like I am a bad mom because I can't get her on any kind of "schedule." I know she is still so little, but it's hard having an unpredictable sleeper. Not to mention I can NOT go back to sleep after she wakes up in the middle of the night so I am one sleepy momma!

Any tips would be great! (I type this as she is snoozing away! She fell asleep in my arms at about 11:15 and has been sleeping since...feedings are all out of whack now for the day! Oh well...)


  1. Hey Sleepy Momma! She probably did get out of wack in PA! Give her a few more days & see what happens! And she could too be going through a growth spurt!

    Of course, I was the EVIL Mommy who let my kids cry it out... If you've fed her and changed her, then she should be ready to go back to sleep and will eventually need to learn how to sooth herself.

    Hang in there... this too will pass... Love you! -H

  2. Hi
    I have a 10 month old who sleeps 11-12 hours at night, but even now when we go on trips or get out of routine he has a little more trouble getting back into the swing of things. It was probably the trip, but also if your little girl has learned anything new recently, sometimes a new skill can cause sleep problems.

    My only advice would be to go to her when she wakes at night and try to get her to go back to sleep without eating. If she gets back in the habit of waking up and eating, it may be harder to break. She is most likely not waking due to hunger. Just keep the lights off and hold her close and rock her until she falls back asleep. The cry-it-out method is good too and has worked for a lot of my friends, but I'm too much of a softie for it. :)

    Best of luck!!

  3. It is hard - I know! I will admit that I have just recently started letting Connor cry it out - but up until he started eating foods when he would wake up, I would feed him. The best thing I have done from the beginning is not talking to him in the middle of the night if he wakes up. I tell him I love him but everything else I do (change his diaper, feed him, rock him or pat his back) I am silent. He gets excited when he knows I am there, so if I don't say anything he usually goes right back to sleep. As long as she is getting enough to eat during the day, she should be capable of sleeping through the night.

    Now, I pat his back and I do let him cry it out. It's hard - but you need your sleep too! Hopefully that helps - sometimes its just a phase too. Connor has done the same thing - he will sleep through the night for a few months and then wake up! It is amazing at such a young age they realize when their "schedule" is off. And - I didn't even attempt a schedule with C until he was 3 months old - so you are totally fine!!!

    Hang in there - it all works itself out!

    Love you!

  4. I agree with the girl above. Try not to feed her in the night. After a couple of nights, she will figure out that she is not going to get anything to eat so she might as well sleep. Check with your pediatrician too. They can give lots of helpful information.
