Tuesday, June 8, 2010

12 Months!!

...or ONE YEAR...I can't decide which is
easier for me to say! :)

I feel like I have been saying "I can't believe Reagan is almost one" for months now!! Well, her birthday has come and gone and I officially have a ONE YEAR OLD!!

Reagan continues to be such a joy! She is so happy and her personality is really showing! Her newest trick that she loves is giving "knuckles" to everyone and you MUST "blow it up!" ha! She even did that to the doctor at her one year physical today! She LOVES to read books and especially likes books that have buttons that play music or 'lift the flap books.' We do a LOT of reading!! (Hello...as a teacher, makes me smile!) Reagan has book that I got at a yard sale for fifty cents, that was one of the best fifty cents ever spent, that is about a farm. The farm animals have textures to them, which she loves as well, and when we get to the page about the cow she says, "boooo!" TOO cute!! She also is roaring a lot like a lion these days...she is an animal! :)

I have been REALLY amazed lately at how much Reagan understands. She really knows a lot of what we are saying...we have even started the lovely trick of spelling works like "walk" and "outside" (kind of like we need to do for Bailey) because she understands them and wants to do that when you say it! She follows a lot of directions and will go get a toy if you ask her to or get a book...it just amazes me!

Reags still isn't talking other than ma ma, da da, ba ba, ot (which is hot), she started saying up too the other day! We LOVE hearing her say our names!! :)

Sleeping has been good, but not nearly as predictable as it once was. MOST days she will take a morning nap, but there are days that she doesn't. MOST days she will take an afternoon nap, but there are some days that she doesn't. ha! She is going to be between 7 and 7:30 and sleeps until about 6:30. Even if she goes to bed late, it's still up and at 'em!! :)

Reagan's 12 Month Stats
Height: 31 1/2 inches (>95%)
Weight: 25lbs. 6oz. (>95%)
Head Circumference: 47.6 cm (>95%)

We are just sooo blessed that we have such a happy and healthy baby! It is just so hard to believe that we have a ONE YEAR old!! We are so in love with her and can't wait to see what this SECOND year has in store!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I have SO enjoyed watching her 1st year on your blog. I feel like it was jut yesterday that I was reading that you are in labor! Reagan is just the sweetest (and smartest) little thing and I LOVE her smile!
