Tuesday, March 6, 2012

7 Months!

On Friday, March 2nd our sweet, Bubby man turned SEVEN months old!  Again, I can hardly believe it...he is now officially closer to one than to the day he was born. 

The BIGGEST NEWS this month is that Landon is now sleeping on his back in his crib!!!!!  If you have been reading for awhile you know that BOTH of my kiddos REALLY enjoyed sleeping in their carseat.  Reagan was just over 7 months when I finally transitioned her.  Landon didn't sleep well at all while we were gone on our trip...I'm sure it was a combination of things, but he was just getting too big for that carseat.  The night after we got home, I put him on his back.  It took us a few tries, he didn't really like it at first, but I gave him his blankey and rubbed his belly and before we knew it, he was out!  It is SO much better for him to be all stretched out and such a weight to have that transition done :)  We are SO proud of what a big man he is!!

Landon is really on a great schedule too!  He was following the same schedule for awhile and again, the day after we got back, it kind of changed a little.  It happens and it actually works out better :)  Here is our day in a nut shell:
6:00 - wake up, but can put binky in to go back to sleep for about another half hour
6:30 - wakes up with a poopy diaper and is ready for the day!
6:30-7:15 - snuggle in bed!
7:15 - breakfast!  LTK is now getting oatmeal and a fruit in place of that morning bottle.
8:30 - 9:30 or 10 - morning nap
10:15ish - 8 oz. bottle
1:00 - about 3:00 - nap time and goes down with an 8 oz. bottle
3:00 - when sister wakes up - Mommy and Bubby playtime
4:00 - 8 oz. bottle
5:30 - (on the dot...he knows!!) dinner time!  Landon has a size 2 container of a veggie.
7:00 - SHARP!  Bedtime with an 8 oz. bottle

I don't know how much Landon weighs, since it's not a check up month.  However, he does go next week to have his head re-measured, so we'll get a weight update then.  He is wearing mostly all 18 or 18-24 month clothes.  I got him a pair of 2T shorts for the summer and they are SO ridiculously long on him, sooo I'm taking those back and assuming that once he starts moving he will "slim" down! :)

Some other accomplishments this month are that he can put his binky in by himself, he has started saying "ma" (in the most precious whiney voice), he has mastered sitting by himself, he looks forward to his water cup at breakfast and dinner, he is REALLY reaching forward a lot when sitting (he wants to move, BADLY!), he claps his hands together, and is a constant talker!!  Oh and HELLO, did I mention he pretty much sleeps through the night too!?  We stopped giving him a bottle in the middle of the night and since sleeping on his back, he really just needs his binky to be put back in if he wakes up.  Such a BIG boy!

Having two kids, especially those first couple months, was REALLY hard for me.  I mean, I think I was on the verge of a breakdown.  Seriously.  It was just HARD!!  26 months is NOT a huge gap inbetween, BUT in the last couple of months it really has gotten easier.  My days are crazy, chaotic, nuts, some better than others, but we are in a routine and our days, usually, go by very quickly.

Landon has just developed into the sweetest baby...he just talks all the time and fusses occassionally.  We are so lucky!  I don't want it to sound like I didn't love him when we was younger, obviously I did, but this age is just one of my favorites.  His giggle is enough to make the worst day your best day and his little toofy smile is the best way to wake up at 6:00 each day. 

Landon Thomas, we love you to the moon and back and can NOT belive how big you are getting!!  I tell you and your sister all the time to SLOW DOWN please.  I know that can't happen, so I just do my very best to enjoy each and every minute with both of you!

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