Sunday, June 12, 2016

Last Week of School Fun!

The week after Memorial Day was the last week of school!  It was a short and fun week...that went by WAY too fast!

Tuesday was "Dress Like a Storybook Character" Day!  Reagan went as Pinkalicious from the book Silverlicious :)

I'm pretty sure I dragged these two around that morning...running errands for the last week of school, teacher gifts, and preparing for Reagan's 7th birthday weekend.  Maddie looks thrilled huh!? :)


Tuesday night was dance picture night!  I was THAT mom that forgot the dang yellow sequin gloves for the pictures.  Good thing we could borrow a friends for the individual pics and we came up with a different pose for the group pic so you couldn't even tell.  Seriously.  I couldn't believe it!

Wednesday morning was PJ day!  I dropped Reaggie off at school, ran to Acme and then came home to get my big boy ready for his LAST FULL day of preschool...ever.

This is just SO my Landon

he is 110% B.O.Y!!

Since Colleen and I have both just had babies we did a lot of carpooling to and from school.  I took the boys for their LAST full day...LOVE them and loved their stories in the back of the van talking to each other.  They won't be in kindergarten together and I'll miss their school stories so much!

Poor thing...being dragged around AGAIN!

Landon came home from school with all kinds of precious things.  Sweet notes from his teacher, things showing he's ready for kindergarten...I went through it all and was SOBBBBBBBING!  I just couldn't get a grip.  We have ADORED his preschool teacher and without her I know this boy wouldn't be as ready for kindergarten as he is.  We snapped this selfie that afternoon before we had to get Reagan.  Our last afternoon of just the 3 of us.  I was just a sobbing, blubbering mess.

Wednesday night was stage rehearsal was insane that week!  After that Reagan and I ran around town finishing up teacher gift card pick ups.

I asked Landon what he wanted to do on our last day of just the 3 of us before he and Reagan were both home for the summer.  At first he said, "go to Walmart and get a Lego set."  HA!  I then asked him again if he wanted to do something fun and he came up with Jump on Over with Liam, Landon, and Sean.  THANK GOODNESS all of the requested buddies could go.  They had SO much fun running, sweating, and playing together!  Such sweet friends.

Reagan had field day at school on Thursday and was the blue team.  They WON field day so when I picked her up she was so pumped!  We had made plans to go pick strawberries after school because it was the only night we didn't have something for dance.  They were DELICIOUS!!

Opa arrived that afternoon so he came along with us!

Yummy loot!

Maddie and I hung out in the van while Opa and the kiddos played on the farm

...and to keep up with tradition we had ice cream for dinner and chicken for dessert :)

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