Today was HOT! It didn't help that the power went out at school today for almost two hours...I was about to pull the "I'm pregnant and can't stay in this heat" card, but then it came back on. Oh well!
So Reagan is definitely almost two...after I picked her up at Wendy's today I thought it would be fun to go get some ice cream. We went to a little ice cream shop and I got her a vanilla cone with sprinkles. She was so excited. PROBLEM is that she doesn't get the whole "lick around the edges" concept and I was trying to help her with that. In doing so I guess I took off a few too many sprinkles for her liking and she threw a FIT! I was pretty thrilled with that...I did that a couple times and finally got the ice cream down to the cone for her to eat that and she was upset then because there were NO sprinkles left. At this point tears are streaming everywhere...this was supposed to be fun! She calmed down a little, I let her have her ice cream for about another two minutes and then it went in the trash. Meltdown #3...she survived though and we headed out to the car. It was just time to get home!
We got home and my "to do" list is rather lengthy, one item being to clean out her water table. Considering it was about 99* today, I thought this would be a good little project. Reagan was having so much fun...she got all "nakey" and splashed and splashed. She then remembered or thought that she should sit in the water table and it was a fun game to get in and out of it...made me nervous, but she was fine.
It is to be in the 90's for the next atleast 7 days...all I can say is THANK GOODNESS for air conditioning and lightweight dresses! :)
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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