We still do not have our computer back...it is slightly driving me crazy because there is plenty I need to be doing to get ready for Reagan's birthday party...however, apparently we had a pretty nasty virus on our computer and the guys have had to run multiple tests on it. Lovely!
Our week and weekend have been good...nothing too exciting to report. Reagan started with a cold on Tuesday night, which resulted in about three hours of sleep for she and I...always fun. She seems to be on the up now though, so we are happy about that!
Our weekend has been pretty low key, but that is always wonderful. Keith took Reagan to swim lessons on Saturday morning and they even went to the outside pool for a little bit. Keith said she LOVED LOVED LOVED it! (just like last year, but can do more this year, since she is more stable, taller, and older!) I had a million errands to run, so I did that Saturday morning. We had Parker's 2nd birthday party on Saturday afternoon and my camera battery was DEAD...sooo sad. It was so cute though and Reagan had so much fun! Parker had an Elmo party...kids and their character love! :) It was great to see the Davis'...we hadn't seen them in WAY too long!
Today has been a relaxing Sunday...we all took naps, Reags is still snoozing. Love these days! I am itching ot get started on Baby Boy K's nursery, however that means moving lots of furniture around and moving Reagan into a big girl bed...so it will just have to wait a few more weeks. Oh and if anyone has a Pottery Barn (kids) discount connection, hook a friend up! :) There is way too much I NEED (notice key word NEED) and am sweating at how much everything is going to cost...I need a money tree in the backyard ASAP.
Hope you've had a great weekend! Today my brother is graduating from Denison University in Ohio and I am so proud of him!! Congrats Michael!! We can't wait to celebrate with you soon!!!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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