Sometimes we plan things out so well in our heads only for it to not go quite like you expect...I had envisioned taking this lovely family picture of the four of us when Reagan came to meet her baby brother...this is what we got...
I envisioned Reagan wearing her cute "Big Sister" shirt to meet her baby brother and instead she wore the "petty dress" that she picked out, which was fine, but of course gave Mum-Mum a fit about the shirt!
I know those are all very, very minor and the overall "meeting of the siblings" went very well! Reagan was SOOO excited to meet her brother...oh my goodness! I called my mom around 3:30 and Reagan had just woken up. My mom told her that Landon was here and I could just hear Reagan's excitement over the was precious.
A couple weeks ago Reagan and I were out and she picked out a special little stuffed doggie for her baby brother and we wrapped it special that day. She has kept it in a special spot ever since just waiting to give it to her brother. She brought it to him very proudly at the hospital, it was rather adorable. Landon happened to get Reaggie a few things as well to thank her for being such a great big sister. She was pretty happy about that!
Once my mom, John, and Reaggie arrived we all oohed and aahed over Landon and then we needed some dinner. Just my mom and I stayed in the room and we waiting for some subs. We ate and then before there was a meltdown, everyone left. I missed my Reaggie very much while in the hospital, but that time is so necessary for healing and really was appreciated!!
We were so thankful that my mom and John were here for Reaggie and that they were able to come on the evening that Landon was born. It was so exciting to see BOTH of our kids together, just amazing!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
Just getting caught up on your blog! So glad Landon is here...what precious photos! Thinking of all of you as you settle into your "new" life :) xoxo