Monday, August 1, 2011

Ready or Not... he comes!! :)  We are SO excited that tomorrow will be the day that our little man arrives...even if I go into labor tonight, chances are he will come on August 2nd. 

The whole crew (mom, Keith, and Reags) went to the doctor this morning for an 8:30 ultrasound appointment followed by a 9:00 check-up.  Poor Reagan was OUT this morning and I had to wake her up for us to leave...I think I have only had to wake her up maybe three times ever, but she did great!

We did the ultrasound and everything looked wonderful!  We could hardly see our little guy because he is so low though, sorry if TMI, just the way it is. :)  Fluid and everything looked great and he was even trying to breath, which is apparently a very good sign.  I remember when I went for my ultrasound with Reagan, when she was overdue, the tech told me she wasn't breathing and I slightly friecked out.  Things are different in that nice comfy womb than in the real world!

I am now 2 cm. dialated and 90% effaced, so that was great to hear...some progress is better than nothing.  Since I did progress a little bit I don't have to go to the hospital tonight for the cervidil, which I am SO thankful for!!  As of now, unless anything happens tonight, we are to be at the hospital by 6:30 tomorrow morning to get this party started.  I keep thinking "at this time tomorrow, will I be holding a sweet little baby?!"  Crazy!

Last family pic as a family of "4" :)

I can't believe I am about to be a mommy of two.  I feel so blessed, but so nervous.  Last night I put Reagan to bed and couldn't stop giving her kisses because I didn't know if that would be the last night I put her to bed as my "only child."  I am ridiculous, I know, but it's so emotional.  She is so excited to meet her baby brother and to come see Mommy in the hospital though and I can't wait either!

Next post will be announcing our little man's arrival!  Our laptop is not working, great timing, so I am going to try to update from my phone...we'll see how that goes, I've never done that before. 

Please just keep us in your prayers for a healthy little boy and a safe, speedy, and pretty un-painful delivery!  :)

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