That was our big outing of the day...after that it was lunch and naps :) After Reagan woke up my mom set up the water table for her and she had a blast!! Sitting out on the deck actually felt really good when water was being oh so carefully poured all over your "feet" (or entire lap, whatever!). It's just been so hot I feel terrible that Reags hasn't had more outside time, so I'm so happy she got to play on the deck for awhile today!
I'm biased, but man do I think that is a cute little tush!
...just as a side note...tomorrow I will be 4 days late and my favorite doctor is on call at the hospital, will we have this baby tomorrow?! He is just nice and snug as a bug in there I guess :)
I'm keeping fingers crossed for a Dr. H delivery!!! He's the BEST! And request Kelli! She is wonderful too! xoxoxox