The allergist is terrible...he was a nice man, but the process of "testing," oh my word. We took Reagan this morning about her reaction to peanut butter and I mentioned that at some point in the winter she had scrambled eggs and threw up that night. After filling out 22 pages of information yesterday, I noticed a lot of questions about if she had eczema as a baby, which she did, not terribly, but she did. Well it turns out there is quite the correlation between eczema and food allergies.
They wound up doing 3 tests, which each had 8 "pricks." Reagan knew when that nurse came in what was happening and of course we were both crying. I tried to stay strong, I really did, but add in being very pregnant and it was a lost cause. Thankfully it was all finished in about 30 seconds and I could snuggle her. Oh my heart just hurt SO badly for her...her eyes were just looking at me like "help me mommy!!!" I could cry just thinking about it...
Anyway, we had to wait about 10 minutes for the doctor to come in and look at the results in her back. She is very allergic to peanuts and eggs. This would explain why she threw up when she ate scrambled eggs and also the peanut butter cracker incident. He said she could grow out of this, but we'll have to re-test her in a few years for that. The good thing is that pancakes and other "cooked" items with egg in them seem to be fine for Reagan because it is a small amount of egg mixed with other ingredients. However peanut products we will stay FAR away from! We were even given an epi pen prescription to keep with us. Kind of scary, but at the same time I'm so glad we know.
Reaggie was such a brave girl and did so well. At the beginning of her appointment she laid right down on the table and picked up her dress so that the doctor could listen to her heart and then let him look right in her ears, no problem. As we were leaving she was saying "bye, thanks" to the nurses. Pretty hilarious!
We went to our overly fancy Dollar General in town and she got to pick out a couple treats. She got a Mickey Mouse figurine, a Minnie Mouse figurine, and a very pretty princess tiara. We stopped by McDonald's for lunch too, which she was pretty happy about too! What a day for my sweet girl...I was dreading this appointment so much...I am SO glad it is OVER, obviously Reagan is too!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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