Tuesday, July 26, 2011

40 Weeks!

40 week belly, with a small sample of the nursery!

Today marks week 40 with our little guy!  I really am pretty amazed that the time is here and that due date has come...this pregnancy really feels like it went fast.  I remember the day we found out I was pregnant like yesterday, so it is hard to believe that 9 months, kinda 10, have passed.

Keith went with me to the doctor today and since my appointment was right in the middle of nap time, we were thankful that Mum-Mum is here to help.  I got to see my favorite doctor today and favorite nurse. When she called us back she said, so what's up, I said, you know just trying to have a baby...ha...I just love her! 

The great news is our little man's heartbeat sounded great and I'm measuring right on track.  The okay news of the day was that I really haven't progressed anymore, maybe another 1/2 of a cm., seriously?!  I was somewhat okay with that though because it meant this baby won't fall out on our way to the hospital. :)  Dr. H commended me on my "take" of the situation.  He said he could strip my membranes and started describing with his hands what he would do and let's just say I cut him off mid description and told him "no thanks!"  Keith said "great sales pitch doc..." it was pretty comical.  The doctor isn't totally convinced that doing that even causes labor to start either, so no big deal.

We did go ahead and schedule my induction for next Tuesday, August 2.  I have an appointment at the doctor's office first thing Monday morning, if needed, for an ultrasound and exam.  They will check my fluid levels and all of that and then see if I have dialated anymore.  If I have, then we will just go to the hospital first thing Tuesday morning to start the "induction."  If not, then we will go Monday night and they will get me started, thinning out my cervix, and then induce me fully on Tuesday.  We will see what happens!!

It is crazy to think that sometime between today and next Tuesday I will be holding my sweet little man in my arms.  I am so excited to meet him, nervous, anxious, a whole range of emotions.  Ready or not though, here he comes! :) 

Just for fun, this is my 40 week belly shot with Reaggie...
(these rose bushes are now taller than I am)

And speaking of the little girl, here are a couple cute shots of her from today...we had pasta for dinner, enough said, and after playing outside for a little while tonight (it actually felt somewhat pleasant out) she stood over the air vents and let her dress poof up...it's the little things!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! Little man's nursery is just adorable! I want to see more!!!! LOVE it!
