June was such a fun and busy month!
Enjoying a day at home, having a pj tea party!
The end of another great soccer season!!
9th Birthday Party Day at her dance studio!
Reagan with Caroline and Josie
When your sister has her party at a dance studio...you get mom's phone and a bowl of goldfish ;)
What a sweet group!
My sweet 9 year old and her Greatest Showman Themed Par-tay!
found pink hair dye while picking up bday party balloons...thankfully it washed RIGHT out!
Landon's buddy Joseph's birthday party
somebody thinks she is a big girl and can do the steps all by herself!
sweetest friends
Happy Birthday "Eve" PJ present!
Last night snuggling an 8 year old
It was a special day because even Landon hugged her!
A day off from school to celebrate the birthday girl at Dutch Wonderland!
This one decided to puke on herself in the car on the way...thankfully it wasn't bad, just a little car sickness and she was good to go the rest of the day!
Such a FUN day!! Everyone fell right asleep on the way home!
Some of Mum-Mum and Pop-Pop's pictures:
Nothing says Happy Birthday like some McDonald's chicken nuggets...her request!
Pre Family Party Pedicure :)
What goes into trying to get a decent family picture...
building with big girl legos!
he got to wear the birthday crown...my summer birthday boy!
this 9 year old got a stomach bug right before the end of the school year :(
thankfully it didn't last long :)
RECITAL WEEK! Which means picture night was up first!
Reagan used her birthday money to buy something she REALLY wanted...her own iPod!! OMG...I now get texts from my daughter!!!
Maddie LOVES her doggie dog!
HAPPY LAST DAY!!!! HOOOORAY!! I don't know if Reagan or I was more excited!! What a YEAR it was!
Yay Landon!! Can't WAIT to throw those white shoes away as SOON as you get home!! (school requires white shoes!)
Happy LAST day!!
Last day field day!
dress rehearsal night!
It was a BEAUTIFUL day to head to the park!!
We had the early recital this year, which meant we headed to the pool for the afternoon and wound up shutting it down
celebrating Liam's birthday at the pool
these two...so sweet!
Happy Father's Day!!
Two of the best dads I know! :)
SOO the first time we went to the pool, Maddie wouldn't even put on a swimsuit and insisted on wearing socks. Each time we went she got a little more comfortable and this was the first day she got in the pool with me :) Baby steps little lady!
VBS week sleepover with Macy!
Last night at VBS fun!
LOVE these crazy ones of mine!
Maddie LOVES the library!! This was her first time checking out her own books!
Landon did lacrosse camp and LOVED it!
David and Landon had a blast!
We met Uncle Mike for lunch one afternoon
Getting her nails painted for the first time :)
SOOO pretty!
My girls <3 span="">
Mr. Dave was days away from being deployed but took the boys out for a fun boy day! Movies, mini golf, and Wendy's!
Ben sure did LOVE that chocolate fountain!
At Macy and Dean's pool party!