Despite the two, make that THREE pregnancy tests that were taken, a trip to the doctor's office was necessary to confirm. On Monday, October 13th Keith and I went to the doctor to get the official word. After taking a similar test in the doctor's office, we had to wait forever for the doctor to come in to tell us their results. Keith passed the time by checking out all the fun stuff in the doctor's office... :) Finally a very unemotional doctor walked in saying, "so I hear you've had a couple positive tests..." keep in mind this is the most monotone voice ever!! I said, "yes, what did YOU find out?!?!" Turns out it was the same thing!! After feeling my uterus she couldn't get an accurate estimate of how far along I was, she predicted 6-8 weeks, but we weren't positive...appointment number 2 at Carolina Ultrasound was next :) Keep in mind, still can't believe this!!! However, that confirmation made it OK to call our families and fill them in on the GREAT news!!!! :)
Obviously I had to stop by Border's on my way home to pick up a couple books! Thank you to Aunt Ellen for guiding me in the right direction in the "baby" section! Of course I had to pick one up for the Daddy-to-be as well...it's pretty cute when I catch him laying in bed reading it!