We spent all last week at the beach! We left the 16th and came home on the 22nd...the weather wasn't perfect, but it worked out great for us and we had a super time!

We got there on Friday mid-morning...Sissy and Keith went to the pool (and froze!) and I stayed up with Landon man to nap. Sis and Keith went to the Nike outlet and then to get pizza that night, so Landy and I headed to the park to play :)

me (gross!) and my sweet, sweet man!

Mission complete at the Nike outlet!
Saturday was BEAUTIFUL but CHILLLLLLLY! We decided to venture to mini golf...it was...interesting?! Totally crazy with a 2 year old that likes to swing and smack everything in sight, but we had fun!

This is what Landon did most of the time...walked his ball close to the hole and tried to hit it in as best he could...it was pretty hilarious!
By the afternoon it had warmed up so Reags and I went down to the beach for awhile!

she likes to make sand angels...silly girl! This also results in having sand literally from head to toe, if there is a downside to being at the beach it's the bathing of kids all.the.time!
We headed to the rides that night!
Sunday was a TOTAL wash out...it poured all day! We got up early to go to the Royal Treat for breakfast, which was yummy as ever :)

We had to send this to Grandpa because the tables were made of Corian...Grandpa was THRILLED!

We all headed to the outlets quickly...can't go to the beach and not peak ;)

Reaggie and Keith went to see Planes that afternoon! She loved it and they had a fun daddy/daughter date, although I have to admit I kind of wanted to see it too! Maybe I'll take Landon...hahaha...riiiiiight!

Look at these kids...Reagan on the phone and Landon on the iPad...what is this world coming to!?
...it's actually a beautiful thing!...

We miss this view everyday!
Monday we enjoyed a fun day on the beach, even though it was raining...the kids didn't care and there were a few other families down there too!

Serious cuteness...he loved lining up his trucks on the balcony, it was just too cute to watch! Sweet man!

Rough life on the beach :)
Tuesday I was solo with the kids...we hit up the beach and the pool. We played and played on the beach, went to the condo to make lunch, ate at the pool and swam for a bit! It was different doing it all solo, but we made it work :) Mum-Mum and Pop-Pop arrived on Tuesday night!

Wednesday is the day Reagan didn't stop moving until she finally went to bed (which isn't too unusual for either of my children actually!)...we were at the beach and she discovered she loves going "in" the ocean and "boogie boarding." It was such a fun day! Mum-Mum took Landon up for a nap, so we stayed at the beach for awhile and then went to the pool for a bit too.

We went to the Summer House for dinner...

...and to ride a few rides afterwards!
Thursday morning we had to clean and pack up (because it was rainy anyway), but we had a little cake for Mum-Mum's birthday.
Overall it was such a great week! It was so sad to think that was our last visit of the summer, but we are so thankful to have gone as much as we did. The kids have SUCH a blast and we LOVE all of our memories there!