Reagan has been on Spring Break since March 5!! Her spring break started with what would have been a snow day because we got about 8" that day...good times :) By Friday the roads were fine and we met my mom at the mall for some lunch and shopping before our whirlwind Aristocats weekend!

Monday was such a nice day! It was actually sunny and in the low 60s, which felt borderline tropical compared to what we've had! We spent as much of the day outside as we could!!
Tuesday, Landon had school, so Reagan and I had a little girl time! She decided she wanted to get her nails and toes done, so to the salon we went. We had such a fun morning! We went to Kohl's too...I had a couple returns and a little girl REALLY needed to look at new earrings :)
After we picked up Landon at school, we ate lunch in the car and met Macy, Dean, and Max at Jump on Over! The kids have been begging to have a playdate, so we made it happen. They had SO much fun and wore themselves flat out!
Wednesday we headed to the Children's Museum and met Heather, her boys, Mari, Kasey, and Olivia. The kids had SO much fun!! The highlight was Reagan getting interviewed by a newspaper while we were there...she LOVED that!
These are the 3 pics that were posted in the online article:
She also got her baby fix with sweet Ellis!
Tobin and Livie, rowing away!
Thursday we were up and at em and hit the road to visit Gran and Gramps! FINALLY!! We had tried to see them THREE Sundays in a row, but kept getting snow or ice, literally. It was so annoying! We were glad we could finally go! We got there in time for lunch and then spent a little time outside. I took the kids for a little walk to get their mail and then the kids decided we could walk to Target, which is a very doable walk. So the kids and I walked and Gran and Gramps met us there! They each got a little art project from the Dollar Spot and were happy campers :)
Landon just LOVES this Big Wheels...that was MINE 30 years ago!! :)
We spent the night and headed to Baugher's for breakfast...yum!
This kid will NOT let me take a picture these days!!
He did work on writing his name...he did most of it himself!!
Finishing up her Anna creation! Not bad for $1 huh!?
We came home Friday afternoon and played outside until dinner! We celebrated our neighbor's birthday last night and today went to Logan's birthday party...both of which I failed to take any pictures!! Reagan has one more day off tomorrow, which will be spent at the dentist, going to the grocery store, running a couple errands, and dance class :)
a couple silly selfies before bed tonight :)
We had a great spring break! The timing worked out great actually because it took these kiddos, and me!, a few days to adjust to the time change! Back to school on Tuesday for BOTH kids!