Last week was a busy week! Reagan was signed up to do VBS at her old preschool in PA and was soooo excited! It also meant an hour drive there and back everyday! I think by Friday was OVER that BIG time!

on our way!
on our way!
nice and snuggly!
Tuesday after VBS, Reagan went home with her sweet friend Anna and had a sleepover! The girls had so much fun together :) Amy sent me a few pics of the girls and based on the stories I know they had a great time!
On Wednesday after we picked up Reagan we went to the Herr's Factory for a tour! We met our neighbors there and had so much fun...we just love doing that tour and the HOT CHIPS!!
Thursday, while R was VBS'ing it, L and I hit up the library and he found this Reader Rabbit game that he loved. It was pretty hilarious helping him figure out the mouse though...he was touching the computer screen at first...hello iPad?! He got a hang of it pretty quickly though!
Then we played at the park :)
Friday was the last day and Reagan had to pose on Mt. Everest!
I'm so glad she was able to go and have fun with some of her preschool friends!