Monday, December 22, 2008

There's the Heartbeat!!

Today was a the doctor's appointment and it turns out it was not the ultrasound day! We were totally bummed! I SWEAR the lady told me last time that this appointment would be it, but it's's not like we are waiting to find out if it's a boy or girl! :)

We did have a minor heart attack today though! As I was laying on the table and the doctor was trying to find the heartbeat, he found nothing!! I was soooo nervous...he kept moving the little "microphone" all over my belly and NOTHING! Of course I am crying and Keith comes over to hold my hand and the doctor assures me that everything is fine, he was going to try another machine. Finally with a little goop and a new machine, he successfully found that fantastic heartbeat as I had tears streaming down my face. I think it was very obvious how concerned I was because the doctor kept saying, "everything is perfect!"

So now this means Monday, January 19th is the REAL ultrasound!! We're so excited! While we were disappointed to not have it today, atleast we got to hear that thump, thump that is just music to this Mommy's ears! :)

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