Time for some catch up huh?! It's been awhile since my "Keeping it Real" post....I'm feeling better. Just a little phase and I think I am convinced that I am "normal" for feeling that way :)
Last weekend we didn't do a whole lot, which was pretty nice. The weather was a little cooler, which meant sweatpants and long sleeves, well for everyone but our princess of course ;)
I got the ever so fancy Cinderella pre-sliced cookies at the grocery store for Reags...she and Daddy made them, while I played with Landon. She ate a couple bites, but really wasn't the biggest fan. They were fun to make though!
This is Landon spotting the groceries that I had yet to put away on the dry bar...probably Goldfish that he spotted and is "asking" for some! The kid knows what different boxes of snacks are, it's hilarious!
A little snuggle time before school on Monday!
Great pic, I know...the ONLY picture I took of Landon at his first little music class on Monday morning. A neighbor of ours sent out an email about a free music class, similar to Kindermusik, that a local church was having on Monday mornings. The timing works out great because it starts right after I drop off R at school. Landon really didn't know what to think about the whole thing, but I think he'll like it. Just a little something special for my little man and I to do while sister is getting edumacated :)
I am SOOO happy to report that Landon is FINALLY starting to like books and for me to read to him! YAY! I have tried and tried and tried, but he has never had an interest. Reagan's theme at school a couple weeks ago was "Rainbow Fish" and we have a little Rainbow Fish colors book that she was SOO excited to read to Landon, during lunch. Future teacher perhaps?!!
They are so sweet!
Rapunzel being silly :)
I am seeing a lot of this in my future...
Big man loves to play the piano...poor thing plays with more pink toys!
Being a little crafty one morning...R loves to cut and glue!
The finished product!
Wednesday morning, at 2:30am, Reagan woke up and was burning up. She had a 101.3* fever and kept saying she felt like she was going to throw up. We were up until about 4 when she finally went back to sleep. Poor thing! She felt fine in the morning, still a slight fever, so obviously she was home from school. It took her until Friday to really kick the fever, but I am thankful that she felt fine and was acting herself the whole time!
Someone hasn't been napping anymore, so sad, so while she watched a show on the iPad, Momma caught up on some Katie :)
"Working" at the office...
Cracking up at this sister...
Caught ya!
I wish the background was a little cuter, but I LOVE this picture! It's my new favorite of this guy!

These last two pictures were taken right before Keith AND the kids AND Bailey all left on Friday afternoon to go see our friends in Richmond for the weekend. Yes, you read correctly. Keith took EVERYONE out of this house!! I can't believe it! Of course I cried for the first 30 minutes they were gone because to be at our house without them was VERY strange, in fact, it has NEVER happened since I've had children, well for more than a couple hours anyway. Friday night I didn't even know what to do with myself, so I got a Red Box movie, The Lucky One, and got Jersey Mike's take out. Exciting huh?! :) It was great!! I worked at a consignment sale yesterday afternoon and I went to Stephanie's 30th birthday party last night, which is why I didn't make the trip to Richmond too...and also because my sweet hubby told me that I deserved a break :) How lovely!! It's been a great weekend, but I'm ready for my babes to get home in a couple hours! This morning I've been trying to get all of my "weekend stuff" done before they get back! Now it's off to the grocery store I go!