Yesterday our big girl had her first day of preschool! She was SO excited and just LOVES school (thank you Lord!!). I was feeling a little nervous for her's a new school, new routine, new teachers, new surroundings, NO familiar faces...I was just nervous. However, in true Reagan fashion, she did GREAT!!
Coming down for breakfast!
She LOVES that she can have a real NC she had to have a tote bag for preschool, here she can have a backpack. And of course, it's Sophia!! Thank you JJ for the great birthday present :)
Little man wanted in on the action...his turn is tomorrow...
excited much?!
Landon was still "hun-jie" on our way to school
My big girl and I! Can't believe this was her last first day of baby girl will be in KINDERGARTEN next year...ahhhh!
Just for comparison...first day of 2 year old and 3 year old preschool!
Mum-Mum and Pop-Pop came too to wish Reaggie a great day!
After I dropped her off and walked out of the school, I immediately started tearing up...another mom behind me said "I'm glad I'm not the only one..." I don't know this woman, but I gave her a hug and we told each other our girls were fine and going to have a great day...ha! After 10 minutes my tears stopped and Landon and I were busy playing outside and scrubbing my "rims" with a toothbrush :)
After school she said she had a GREAT day and said it was "awesome!" Although I did hear about one mean girl on the playground... ;)
Just a couple little treats to celebrate the first day :)
Working on our stepping stone creation...they supply precautionary materials!

"Happy First Day of Schooool to YOU!"
I am SO proud of Reagan...she did so well! We had her dinner request last night (steak, mac n' cheese, fruit salad, and rolls) and celebrated with some cupcakes too! Great job Reaggie!! Now tomorrow is Landon's first day...I don't know who will cry more tears...Landon or be continued ;)