Thursday, December 18, 2014

Longwood Night!

Last Monday night we went to Longwood with my mom and John to see all the pretty lights!  It was FREEEZING, but we had a great time...even though it was sooooo crowded!!

L's FAV part...the choo choos!

We made it to the top of the tree house...yay!

Landy's turn to cheese!

Much more comfortable in the warm, lovely conservatory!

Pictures just don't do it justice, but Longwood is BEYOND beautiful always, but especially at Christmas!

This is where my camera battery died, so no more pics!  We sat in the organ room for a bit and had a Christmas sing a long and even got to see Heather and her family, including sweet baby Ellis!

We were planning on eating dinner there, but the line wrapped AROUND the building, so I loaded up the kids, drove home, fed them dinner at 8:00 and then right to bed we went.  It was a great night and we're SO excited to go to Longwood LOTS more...when it's warmer :)

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