We had SO much fun on Saturday, October 10th! It was our Gender Reveal Party! After my ultrasound, we had in an envelope, sitting on the counter, whether this baby was a boy or a girl. It was kind of killing me not to just tear it open because it just sat there for a week or so. Finally, I dropped it off at the bakery one day so that it was out of my sight!! They would be the only ones who know if this was a little man or little miss :) It worked out great to have the party that Saturday because Keith's dad was going to be visiting that weekend and Kristin and her girls came down too, which was so fun. It was great having both of our families there to celebrate!!
I did not do a very good job of taking as many pictures as I would have liked! We had lunch and I was kind of rushing everyone through eating so that we could cut the cake!!
I did really want a "Team Little Miss" and a "Team Little Man" picture before we found out though! Several dressed in their pinks and blues to support which they thought :)

As you can tell, "Team Little Miss" was the majority!! I wore white to remain neutral...obviously we had not an ounce of a preference! Also, for the record, Landon decided he would wear green because that was a boy or a girl color. He did not want to wear pink or blue...that boy cracks me up!

Sweet Landon and Liam wanted a picture holding the sign...love them!
Ok...it's time!

Just about to cut! (Please note the balloons...Landon decorated. The kids were very involved in the planning and I loved that. They helped with the paper products, setting everything up, and the decorations. Such a fun way to find out who this baby is!)

Jordan is holding my phone Facetiming Aunt Ellen! We had to have her "there" with us :)

....see the icing in the middle?!?
It's a GIRL!!!

Reagan was BEYOND excited and I'm so thankful to my friend/neighbor, Colleen, for videoing for us! Landon wasn't so sure of the sister idea, but he has been very neutral...I wouldn't say he's excited, but he's not crying that it's a girl either, so that is a good thing :)
Such a FUN day!! For Reagan we didn't find out, we did with Landon, and now with this one we had a little party for the grand finale :)

Sweet cousins got matching pjs when we went shopping on Sunday! Biggest Sister Reagan HAD to pick out a couple cute little things for her baby sissy!

Saying good-bye after we dropped Landon off at school on Monday morning! Sweet girls in their matching outfits!
So thankful for a sweet precious baby GIRL and for our families and friends celebrating with us!