Monday, October 26, 2015

Appendix Out

Last Friday night, the night of Landon's field trip, Keith started complaining about his stomach/side hurting...I thought maybe it was just gas pains.  He didn't sleep well Friday night and by Saturday morning, as I was setting up for our neighborhood yard sale, he was still in pain.  I told him to go to Urgent Care and be told he was fine and to get home :)  (aren't I sweet?!?!)  Well Urgent Care sent him to the Middletown ER, which is associated with Christiana Hospital to rule out appendicitis since his side did feel tender.  SOOOO as I was manning our JOKE of a neighborhood yard sale, he was in the ER waiting to see a doctor.  The doctor then ordered him a cat scan to see his appendix.  At this point I had cleaned up all the yard sale stuff and had my dad and Diane on call to be with the kids just in case it was his appendix. The results came back that his appendix was inflamed and needed to come out that afternoon!!!  SOOOO around noon the kids went down to Colleen's (until my dad and Diane could get here...they were in Reading!) and I ran to the ER to be with Keith.  They were going to transfer him by ambulance so that he wouldn't have to be "re-admitted" at Christiana, which was nice.  We waited until about 3:30ish to finally get the ambulance and then I followed them to the hospital.  They took him right to the prep area for surgery and was in there by 4:30.  That was a long hour and a half just sitting in the waiting room by myself!!!!  Thank goodness the doctor came in and told me around 6 that Keith did great, he got the appendix out and was in recovery!  Phew!!!!  I got to go back to see him soon after that and he was already asking for the Michigan/Michigan St. football score, so I knew he was fine.  :)  I stayed until about 8:30 with him and then headed home to relieve my dad and Diane.  Keith spent the night.  Sunday morning my mom and John came over to be with the kids and I got to Keith by about 10:30 and he was released around noon,thankfully!!  SOOOOOOOO it was a crazy weekend!!!  Keith was to paint, hang curtain rods in our bedroom, and work outside this weekend...ha...clearly he went to extreme measures to get out of his "honey do" list :) 

In Middletown ER...

Getting ready for an ambulance ride

JUST out of poor Daddy :(

Sunday morning baby girl decided she needed a donut (or two!) on the way to get Keith!

walking around a bit before getting discharged

Home Sweet Home in his favorite spot!

these two fell sound asleep all snuggled up together!

Pop-Pop even got a visit to Reagan's hair salon WHILE playing Trouble with Landon!  ha!

Keith was home all last week from work, which I think drove him crazy!  The first couple days he really just laid around all day, but by Wednesday he was moving a little more and by Friday he was pretty much himself!  It was certainly a crazy little weekend!!

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