Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Family Pictures - 2016

We had our family pictures with my bestie, Heather, last week and she, ONCE AGAIN!!!, did an amazing job!!  Thank you Heath for such AMAZING pics!!

time...slow down

look at this boy!


Fun Little Sunday

On October 9th we had our sweet neighbor's baptism...look at that sweet Emi and her beautiful momma!

It was so nice to be there for the baptism...the weather couldn't have been more rainy, but it was a great morning!

After church we came home to change and then head to the Stringer's for the Eagles game and a luncheon.

This girl had just gotten up for a good girl snooze since she opted against sleeping in church like I thought she would :)

I had the front door open and her little hairs were just blowing in the wind!

SOOO it was just Landon, Maddie, and I at the baptism because Reagan was invited to one heck of a birthday party that same day!!  A friend from school/girl scouts was turning 8 and had her party at the American Girl store in NEW YORK CITY!!  The family chartered a bus for the day and took the girls to the AG Store, lunch in the café, and a tour around NYC!  Keith went with Reagan and they had the BEST day!  I do you live up to a party like this!?!?

They had arrived!

Macy and Reagan

Reagan standing with a few of my favorites!!

Just over looking the Statue of Liberty and a beautiful sunset!

Landon and I enjoyed some cuddles before bed...Reagan and Keith didn't get home until after 10!  THANKFULLY the kiddos were off for Columbus Day the next day.  What an awesome day had by all!

Couple Extras

out and about one day with my love

Lunch time cuteness!

All School Picnic fun with my little dinosaur! (Reagan was far too busy to pause for a pic!)

Madalyn is EIGHT MONTHS!

Somehow it's time again to write about another month that has passed with this sweet girl!  I can't even stand it. 

This month Maddie has started having lunch and really loves to feed herself with that pincher grip.  She loves her puffs, cheerios, and has had a little pasta and cooked carrots.  She's down to just four bottles a day each with 6 or 7 ounces.

She is taking 2 naps a day a morning nap and a longer afternoon nap.  Bless her heart though, when we are out and about she adjusts to the surroundings...there is not always a set nap time, she is so easy going!  (she gets that from me...hahahaha!)

Found it!

Maddie just continues to be the sweetest baby!  She is in size 5 diapers at night and wearing 12 and 18 month clothes...even some 24 month!  I'm sure I'm forgetting so much, but we LOVE you and just think you are the cutest!!

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

October 1st this man finished writing all of the numbers from 1 to 100!  He had been working on it for a couple days and was SOOO proud of himself.  Landon has made us so very proud in kindergarten...he is working so hard and always wants to do his very best!

That afternoon soccer was cancelled because of rain and Landon had a birthday party in Dover, which is almost half way to the beach.  I had a few exchanges I wanted to make at the Loft Outlet, SOOO I thought Keith and Landon could go to the party and the girls and I would head to the beach for a quick shopping jaunt.  WELL...we dropped the boys off and about 30 minutes in Maddie got so fussy.  I pulled over to give her a quick bottle and she had a poopy EXPLOSION!!!!  The girl has NEVER done this and of COURSE she does it on our way to the outlets and when I don't have a change of clothes!!!  I cleaned her up with every wipe I had with me, gave her a bottle, and just left her in a diaper...hello!  Thankfully her shirt survived the explosion, so we were going to push through and do these exchanges!  We got to the Loft, with the rest of the state, and the line was 30 people deep.  Keep in mind please that Maddie has a Sofia the First blanket wrapped around her legs so that she doesn't look like total trash just in her diaper :)  I left the girls in line while I got what I needed and as I'm about to check out, Keith calls because the birthday party at Chuck E Cheese was going to be over in about 15 minutes.  WELLLL I was still at the BEACH!!  We rushed out of there, got back in the car to pick up the boys, only to hit GOBS of Nascar traffic!!  Oh it's always an adventure!  We FINALLY made it home and went over to our neighbors for a little get pictures, but a crazy little Saturday to say the least!

Sunday morning we decided to head to the pumpkin patch!

This makes me LAUGH!  Do you see Reagan's eyes in this one?!?!  These two can get along SO well, but MAN can they also get under each other's skin!!! 

Landon found the perfect one!

The sun was just bright enough...Maddie couldn't even open her eyes! It was still so wet from the rain the day before that I didn't even get a cute picture of her sitting in the patch...oh well!

Reagan's pumpkin!

My pumpkins! (Maddie not looking...)

(Landon not looking)

After pumpkin picking it was play time!  Landon wound up on the top of this train, crazy kid!

That afternoon the big kids and I were on a corn stalks, hay bale, and mum mission... you can tell in Reagan's face there were tears and drama about something...there is no telling what!

probably something this kid did!

All appears to be better now :)