Saturday, December 31, 2016

Madalyn's Peanut Challenge Success!!

On the 28th we had Maddie's peanut challenge scheduled.  Oh how I was dreading this day...she passed her skin test months ago and we were told to go ahead and give her peanut butter, but I'm still pretty traumatized by Reagan's reaction 6 years ago so we decided to go to the office and do it there under supervision.  WELL I just couldn't bring myself to take Maddie, so thankfully Keith took her and I took the big kids to the park close by so we could get to Maddie in a jiffy if we needed to.  Keith was great about calling me and keeping me  posted on how the little girl was doing and she did GREAT!  She passed!!!!!!!!!!!  and apparently LOVED the peanut butter too!!  Yay!!  Now we just need to keep feeding her peanut butter so that she doesn't develop an allergy.  It's the little things, but in our family's case one kiddo without a peanut allergy is BIG NEWS!!

We all celebrated with lunch at Red Robin!

...and not one picture of the peanut butter girl herself!  Poor moose :)

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