Wow!! I am SO far behind on blogging...things have been a little crazy around here adjusting to life with two. I would be lying if I said I haven't had my fair share of tears and pep talks to myself that "I can do this!" However, I am so blessed and I tell myself that everytime I start to feel overwhelmed or slighly insane. :) We are so lucky to have two beautiful, healthy children, I don't think it has totally sunk in yet that we have TWO kiddos!!
Now...time for catch up!!
Wednesday, August 3 (Happy Birthday Gran!)
A day of recovering in the hospital! We had a pretty good night at the hospital, but nurses are constantly coming in and out, which is slightly annoying, but just the way it is. Someone from labs came in at 4:40 am to do my blood work, seriously, could this have waited like two more hours?! Oh well! Keith slipped home for a little bit on Wednesday to see Reaggie. While he was gone my sweet friend Stef came to visit and we hung out for a few hours. Landon slept like a log in her lap the whole time! Later that night Heather and Jess (a former student and her mom) came to visit! It was so great to have company!
Proud Daddy!
Snuggling with Aunt Stef
Sweet man
Snuggles with Miss Heather
...and Jess!
Thursday, August 4
Time to go home! We had to meet with the pediatrician, the OB, and the nurse to get all of our discharge information. Everything was looking great and we were able to leave at about 12:30 on Thursday. We were excited to get home!!
Reagan was asleep when we got home, which gave us some time to settle in. When she woke up, she was unsure of what to think of Landon being home. When he was crying, she was crying, which made for a nice quiet evening :) Bless her heart, she just wanted him to be happy. She quickly learned that Landon just wants "boobie" (sorry TMI?!) and that makes him a pretty happy guy!
Sister "no like" when Landon cryin'!
Celebrating Landon's arrival and being home!
Our family of 4!
Checking out her brother...with her shades
We had a delicious dinner, thanks to my mom and John and got ready for our first night at home, which to be honest, today I don't even really remember. I know I was up a lot, but we all survived and Landon did great! Guess who likes the carseat too!? :)
Mum-Mum and Pop-Pop bought a cake that said "Welcome Home Baby Landon" and we sang Happy Birthday to him, as requested by his big sister. Of course, it would not have been complete without candles!
Friday, August 5
We had to go to the pediatrician for Landon's first little check up. He did great, but lost a little more weight, he was "down" to 9lbs. 12 oz., which was an ounce less than when we left the hospital. We were asked to bring him back again on Saturday!
Saturday, August 6
We went back to the doctor and Landon weighed 10 lbs. even!! FOUR ounces in ONE DAY! We were so excited!! The kid loves to eat and eats a LOT!! (We're talking I was feeding him on the way to the doctor...)
Landon did get his first bath that night...I am such a nervous nelly for that first one, but all went well.
Sunday, August 7
Hmmm...I don't think we did much on Sunday. Just relaxed, hung out, and looked at this cute face!
Monday, August 8
My mom and John took Reaggie out for the morning to the mall. She LOVES to ride the choo choo, the little toy cars, and the merry go round. They also do Chic Fil A and an ice cream cone too! Too much fun!
Landon and I hung out at home!
Tuesday, August 9 - Happy ONE WEEK Birthday Landon!!
My mom and John left a little before nap time and I think I shed a LOT of tears that afternoon. I knew I could be with the kiddos myself, but I am just a bundle of hormones, so I just couldn't stop! We all survived though and had a pretty good afternoon.
Pop-Pop went to the grocery store for us and got Reaggie some flowers and Landon an Elmo "Happy Birthday" balloon! :)
Wednesday, August 10
First day TOTALLY on my own in the morning...I had made an appointment for a photographer to come to our house at 10am to take newborn shots of Landon, get some pics of he and Reaggie, and a family picture or two. The morning was going too smoothly...Landon ate, I showered, Reagan got up, we ate breakfast, got ready, cleaned up, fed Landon again, he went down for a little nap, and then it was time for pictures. Sweet Landon wanted NOTHING to do with it! Oh I felt so bad...just when I would calm him down and lay him down for a picture, Reagan would start screaming or banging a toy or he just would be unhappy about being put was quite the morning. I was dripping with sweat when Keith got home and needless to say we didn't get pictures done. After trying until about noon, we decided to try another day. Hopefully Sunday will be better!

That afternoon I had to take Landon to the doctor again for his weight check, to make sure he was still gaining. He weighed 10 lbs, 2oz, so he gained, but not as much as they were hoping for. He still looks great though and the doctor told me I could supplement with some formula because he is such a big boy! She said that she has two month olds that don't weigh 10 pounds yet, so I might not be providing enough for him. We go again on Tuesday for his 2 week check up, so I'm hoping and praying he is back up to his birth weight of 10lbs. 7oz. by then!
I had to nurse Landon at the doctor and then I decided he and I would slip to good old Walmart to pick up a few groceries. We were in and out and I didn't want anyone to breath anywhere close to him!! What a fun first outing :)
Thursday, August 11
First FULL day at home with the kiddos by myself! We did it! The morning was crazy, not going to lie...breakfast didn't get cleaned up until lunch time, but it was successful. Reags and I played a little bit in between feedings, we watched "Dora's Explorer Girls" (or as known in our house "Big Girl Dora", which is SO cute!) and Reagan had a fashion show with several pairs of my shoes. Landon went down for a nap right before Reagan's nap at 1, I read her books, and they both slept until almost 5!!! It was so wonderful!
No her hand is not broken...just waving to the camera :)
First supplement bottle...the boy is an EATER!!
Keith came home and cooked some burgers and we had a really good night as a family!
Friday, August 12
Keith stayed home this morning!! Yahoo! Doesn't it figure though, this morning went just as smoothly as it could. Landon got up before Reagan and was fed by the time she woke up. We all hung out together, had breakfast, cleaned up, and now Keith has Reagan at the park while Landon is sleeping. I took a nice, long, warm shower, did some laundry and cleaned up a bit. We are slowly, but surely, getting this down!
That is the latest on how things are going around here!! Landon has been getting up anywhere between 3 and 4am to eat and then sleeping until 6:30 or 7. He is a good boy and as long as that belly is full he is a happy, sweet, wonderful baby! His big sister is adjusting well too! (Mommy and Daddy are hanging in there too!)