At 18 Months, Landon...
weighs: 34 pounds 3 ounces
height: 35.25 inches
Our sweet Landon man turned 18 months old on Saturday...that's officially ONE AND A HALF! I have been sticking to the "months" when asked his age, but now I guess it's time to just say those words...one and a half. SO hard to believe!!
This has been a BIG month for Landon! He has REALLY started talking...I feel like there is a new
word almost everyday that he is saying. Probably mostly only understood by us, but still they are words :) The ones I can think of off the top of my head: shoes, sissy, nana (banana), chu (cheers), Beeee (which is Bailey and binky, you have to use context clues!), ball, choo choo, eat, all dum, bah-ball (basketball), yo ho ho (which he says when Jake and the Neverland Pirates is on), ooh ooh ahh ahh (which is his monkey sound), boooooo (which is the cow sound), num num (to eat something), and I'm sure I'm forgetting several!
Another big trick is CLIMBING! He is such a climber...oh my gosh. Climbs on the sofa, climbs on the kitchen chairs, climbs up my legs, climbs on everything!! He is just being "curious" is what Reagan says :) He sure is!
Landon sometimes is NONE too thrilled to have to get into his carseat...literally stiffens his body so hard that I can NOT get him to bend to sit down...a strong little monkey! Yesterday I took him to get his 18 month pictures done, which we got ONE good one...one is better than none right?!, and the only way I could get him in a carseat was to put him in Reagan's! Whatever works...
Our little outdoorsman continues to LOVE to be outside. We have had some colder days, but that doesn't stop him! He doesn't feel cold I don't think :) He is so happy outside and so content pushing toys around that it's hard not to take him outside for atleast a little bit!
Landy LOVES to watch Mickey, play on the iPad, play outside, playing with whatever his sister is playing with, brush his own teeth, choo choos, trucks on the road while we're driving, snacking, playing with the kitchen, reading books....he is a busy boy, but such a sweetheart!