Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Big 2-7!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hello Connor Francis Johnson!
We Have a Kicker!
When I was on the plane on Sunday, coming back from Colorado, (see next post!) the baby was kicking up a storm! It was so funny...I thought, okay child, we are 20 some THOUSAND feet up in the air, keep kicking all you want, but nothing else!!
Anyway...the tummy is growing daily and I love it! It is hard to believe it is almost February, which means the months are passing very quickly and May will be here before we know it!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Just Realized...
As Keith and I were cleaning up after dinner tonight I realized something...our baby is due on May 31, 2009, which happens to be the FOURTH anniversary of the night we met! I know the chances of the baby being born on that actual day are slim, but I thought that was pretty cool! Also, those of you that know me, know how I am with the number 4! It is by far my favorite number, even my Kiddos this year and in the past would be able to justify that one!! Anyway, just thought that was an interesting little tid bit! :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Stork Parking!
I was at Babies R Us the other day and saw a close parking spot and zipped right in only to see the "expectant mothers only" sign. It was my immediate initial reaction to say choice words and put the car in reverse. HOWEVER, as I was backing out I realized that in fact I could park there!! What a beautiful thing! I went ahead and pulled back into that spot and very proudly walked myself into the store. I tell you, sometimes it is just the little things that make you smile! :)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Hello Sweet Baby!!!
Today was the big ultrasound day and it was so fun!! I got all gooped up and within seconds we saw the baby! It is amazing how clear you can see the baby and all their fingers and toes. The first thing the ultrasound tech said to us was "are we going to find out what you're having today?" Keith very quickly said, "no" and I agreed, although a little more hesitantly! I really don't want to know, but at the same time it would be fun to find out!
Heather, the ultrasound tech, was taking all kinds of measurements and looking at so many things that were undistinguishable to Keith and I. I just kept asking "and is that normal?" Everything was great and the 4-D ultrasound was the actually looked like our baby! In fact, we can already see that the baby has Keith's nose, pre being broken 5 times! haha :)
Oh the funniest part was that our little peanut weighs a whopping 15 ounces, as opposed to the 10 ounces that is "normal" for 21 weeks!!! I guess I am porking this baby right up...I weighed 10lbs. 5oz. and Keith weighed 8lbs. 2oz., so it looks like this is going to be a big baby!!
21 Weeks!
Fly Eagles Fly...Kinda!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Little Fluttering!
I am getting so anxious to start feeling this baby moving all over the place! Here's hoping it knows to move during the day and not at night time...haha!! Just kidding, I won't complain! The ultrasound is just over a week away and we can hardly wait!
Some Bloggy Changes!
After falling asleep to Keith and Michael playing poker until who knows when last night, getting up this morning to work on the blog seemed like the right thing to do! I know both boys will be THRILLED to wake up and find out that I have successfully updated the blog to my likings!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Kiddos Know!
We did all of our "routine" stuff this morning and then I asked them if they ever played Hangman before. Several had, so I put the blanks for "I am having a baby!" up on the board and they had to guess the missing letters. It didn't take them too long to figure it out and they were pretty excited. I had told them they were either going to ask me if I ate too many Christmas cookies or if I was pregnant sooner or later! :) They were sweet at first and said, "what?!? we can't even tell!" (By my outfit today I guess you couldn't!) Then they were talking about how I have a NAKED baby in my tummy and how funny that was...oh gotta love 8 year olds! haha!
They told me they are going to give me some name suggestions, so that should be interesting as the year progresses. I'm sure they'll come up with some cute ones!
As the day continued the class had a lot of fun telling everyone that "Mrs. K is having a baby!" It was cute and I know they are excited. One girl even said, "we'll have to be really good now so we don't stress you out and the baby." I told her that sounded PERFECT to me and then five minutes later she was calling another boy in the class names, so that didn't last too long, but it's the thought that counts! :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Marley and Me...
Well yesterday Keith and I made the mistake of going to see Marley and Me...well maybe I wouldn't call it a mistake, because it was an adorable movie, but we BOTH left the theater balling our eyes out!!
As many of you know our little dog, Bailey, is technically our first child. He is just over 2 years old and we think the sweetest little man in the world! Watching that movie just made us think about how special he is to our family and how great he will be when the little baby arrives. (We're hoping he is good...he is certainly going to be jealous!)
One part inparticular that got me was when Marley was waiting at the bus stop for the boys to get home from school and they just knew he would be there everyday...that's how we know Bailey will be too! He will just wait for his brother or sister to get home and be so excited! I know he is also going to be the doggie that trys to eat the birthday cake off the highchair tray and that our baby will feed their vegetables to him too! It is just amazing what a huge part of your life your dog becomes. This movie helped us to feel "normal" considering we also treat our dog like he is a human!
I know, I know, Bailey is a dog! However, he is our first little dog and the sweetest one there is! We love him to pieces and just a word to the wise, if you haven't seen Marley and Me sure to take a pack of tissues with you! :)