On Thursday night we headed out to St. Louis for our much anticipated visit with the Johnson crew!! We were so excited!!
I left school just a little early on Thursday to come home to wrap up our packing, making sure I had everything. I had an extra outfit out for Reagan, but decided just to keep it on her dresser.....needless to say I got to Wendy's and of course, for the first time in MONTHS, Reagan decided to have a little "excess" in her diaper that went everywhere! Doesn't it figure?! Anyway...I just grabbed an outfit out of her suitcase and we were good to go!
We had a great flight, non-stop, to St. Louis and Reags did great! Thank goodness for Dora and Kai-Lan movies :) She colored, ate, watched movies, we read books...life was just not stressful at all for this little girl!
The headphones didn't last long, but does it get any better?! :)
On Friday morning we relaxed for awhile, then got ready to head to Five Guys to see BJ! We got a delicious lunch and Connor was excited to see his "Unc Bij." (That is what Reags calls BJ and Connor started calling him that too...on BJ's way home he said to Elle, "please tell me why my son is calling me Unc Bij!" It was pretty funny!) The kiddos took good naps and Friday night....
...the mommas and daddies went OUT! Elle's sweet cousin and her friend came over to babysit and the kiddos had a blast! They did great and we had a great night out to dinner! Of course we are SUPER fun and were home by like 8:30, BUT it was still a great time!!
Love her!!
Saturday Elle and I were up and at 'em for a fun filled day of shopping!! We hit up a local mall and got some GREAT deals! We shopped like we had money to burn, but it was so fun! The highlight of my day, well there were a few, one being my pink snuggie for $6.30!!!!!!!!!!!!, some cute outfits for RMK and CFJ, and Elle's mis-matched earrings! Oh my...hilarious!! I would just keep looking at my sweet best friend and laughing hysterically because of the earrings...guess you had to be there, but it made my day! :) We both bought fun and trendy, I might add, outfits to wear to dinner that night. SOMEHOW we didn't get a picture of us! Elle had on her skinny jeans and new tall boots and I had on my leggings with new black boots...we were pretty cute strutting into Maggiano's for dinner! :) We invited the boys and the kiddos to go, but they said for just us to go and we didn't argue! It was so much fun!!

Sunday was another day of relaxing and Connor and Reags playing! The boys went to the casino and didn't lose any money, which is always a good thing! We got to see sweet Amy too! Amy was my FIRST friend at Elon! I haven't seen her since we graduated, so it was SO great to see her!! :) We hung out, ran to the mall one last time, then headed to Nannie's house (Elle's mom) for dinner. I hadn't seen her house since all of her renovations and it looked WONDERFUL!!! Elle and Miss Donna were also nice enough to do a little monogramming for me too!! (Thank you!!)
Monday morning we were up bright and early to head to the airport! Reags was sporting her new adorable backback (Dura pack-pack) from Aunt Elle...I wish I had a picture of the back...I'll have to take one, it's PRECIOUS!!! Reags LOVES it!
Ready for the airplane!
Reagan and Connor = future husband and wife! ;)
It was SUCH a wondeful trip and I was SO happy to see Elle, her family, and their adorable new house!! Thank you SO much Johnsons for having us!!! We can't wait to see you again soon :)