Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Baby K #2 Timeline!!

Friday, November 12 - Took a pregnancy test and THOUGHT we saw a LIGHT plus sign!  Didn't get too excited though because I was sure that I was seeing things!!  (However, I go with this as the "official" date of finding out....11/12.  We found out with Reagan on 10/11....now if we ever have a 3rd baby and I find out on 12/13 that would just be WEIRD!!)

Sunday, November 14 - I got up at 5:30am on a Sunday to take a "pregnant"-"not pregnant" test and saw PREGNANT!!!!  I ran into bed with the test to show Keith, who was very excited, but half asleep!! :)

Monday, November 15 - Called the doctor to schedule my "confirmation" appointment!

Thursday, November 18 - Went to the doctor for confirmation and that is what we got!  Right now the doctor is thinking a due date of July 12th-ish.  I go back on December 1 for an ultrasound to see exactly how far along I am and to find out the due date!!  I am 6-ish weeks along :)

Exhausted after finding out the OFFICIAL word that she is going to be a BIG SISTER!!

Wednesday, December 1 - Went for my nurse visit, which also included an ultrasound to get an exact due date.  Internal ultrasounds are a lot of fun, especially when your uterus is against your back. :)  The best measurement that the oh so friendly ultrasound tech. could get was 6 weeks along, which is less than we thought.  The new due date is July 28, which is Keith's birthday!!  However, we saw a beautiful little heartbeat pattering away, which is the best thing to see!  Apparently everything looked "fine," but they wanted me to come back in a couple weeks just to make sure everything was still measuring correctly.  Of course, this caused BIG tears...I am just nervous and want everything to be okay and for this baby to be healthy and growing!!  Back we go on Monday, December 20!

Tuesday, December 7 - OH MY WORD!!!  I keep telling myself it is a good thing to not be feeling well...it means the baby is getting nice and settled in there for the long haul!  HOWEVER, I have been feeling sooooooooooo sick!  I have not gotten sick, but feel SO nauseous!!!  My appetite comes and goes, which for me is devastating!  The mornings and the nights are the worst...I am just exhausted and feel blah!  I know this is normal and that is great, but this is just much different than I remember feeling with Reags.  So does that mean it's a boy!? :)

Monday, December 20 - GREAT ULTRASOUND today!!  What a relief!!  My stomach hurt the whole way there today, but everything looks great!  Today I measured at 8 weeks and 5/6 days.  Perfect!  The heartbeat sounded perfect at 147 and we couldn't be more thankful!  Here are some pictures of our rapidly growing peanut!  The little arms and legs are just buds at this point, but it's so sweet.  Oh the news that we did get today was that part of the placenta is on my cervix, I guess that's not a big deal, but if it stays that way I'll have to have a c-section.  As long as the baby and I are healthy, I don't care either way!  I know what it is like to have a "natural" childbirth! ha! :)

Wednesday, January 5 - Back to the doctor I went for my monthly appointment.  Met with my FAVORITE doctor and he adjusted my due date now to July 26...we might still say the 28 for Keith though! :)  I had to have a few tests done and that was that.  I didn't get to hear the heartbeat because it is still just a little too early to hear it using the doppler, but by next time it should be no problem!

Monday, January 10 - TWELVE WEEKS!!  Today is the day!!  Our little munchkin is growing and Momma is starting to feel like a human again!  Praise the Lord!  We are getting excited about this new little munchkin, but I have to say I still can't quite believe I am going to be a Mom of TWO! :)


  1. YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! I am sooooooo excited for you!!!! glad you are starting to feel better! I felt great with both of my pregnancies (this one so far!), and those have been boys....guess you never know...can't wait to find out! :)

  2. Yippee!!! I'm SO excited for you, Keith & Reagan!! Your world is about to be turned upside down for the 2nd time! I take it you're not going to find out what this one is either, are you?! I'm sure you'll keep us posted on all the details! Yay! Us Rabalais chicks are VERY EXCITED!
