Last week started with a certain little 1st grader's picture day! I thought they would probably be allowed to wear whatever they wanted that day, but AFTER I purchased my picture package, I found out that they still had to wear their uniform. I'm sure it will be a cute pic none the less :)

this girl is such a ham!

On Tuesday we went to Milburn's Orchard with the MOM's Club. I am a horrible member and don't do anything, but this is something I've been trying to do for 3 years, but someone was always sick for it. Thankfully, this year we were able to make it. wasn't without sickness. We were to meet there at 9:30 and on our way, about 15 minutes away, Landon said he was hot. It wasn't a hot day and the van was fine, but I rolled down his window anyway and cranked up some air for him. Then he "wanted a snack," but didn't eat it. The last straw was him saying he wanted to just go home, he didn't want to go to Milburn. (The kid loves it there!) I asked him if he felt ok and he said yes, then I asked if he felt like he was going to throw up and said no. At this point we were less than 5 minutes away and he coughed...I pulled over IMMEDIATELY and got him out for some fresh air. We stood in some grass outside of a neighborhood for about a minute and that's when he threw up. And then again. Poor sugar! He was playing a little game in the car and apparently that was not the best thing to do so early in the morning. After he threw up, I gave him some water and he seemed to be feeling much better. (not to mention I was thankful we were outside and not in the van!) We got to Milburn, he saw his buddies and he was running and FINE! Phew!

The Three Amigos!

Madison has a hard job of keeping these boys in line!
We finished our fun morning with lunch out with friends!
Last Wednesday was the first day of dance and Reagan was SO excited! She has been looking forward to this since I signed her up over the summer. It's a tap, ballet, jazz, and acro class. She really wanted to do gymnastics and dance, but I wasn't ready to have piano one night and then two other nights of the week stuff going on...especially with a baby on the way. SO when I found this class that was everything she wanted, we signed right up. To celebrate, Reagan got a new leotard and tights to open on her bed after school!

Ready to go!
Friday was Landon-man's picture day! Little mess...he has some of the best smiles in these pictures because he was jumping all over the place and being silly while I was trying to take his pic. Such a little boy and just way too stinkin' cute!

After school we hit up the car kids LOVE the car wash!
After we picked Reagan up from school we met some friends at Jump on Over for some inflatable jumping time. The kids jumped and ran for TWO HOURS, which was beautiful. We picked up a pizza on the way home, took baths, and both kids were SOUND asleep by 7:15. It was a good night :)

Picture day on Saturday! My studly soccer player!

We were missing Reagan (another Reagan) and another little guy didn't want to be in the picture, but here are the Lions! Landon, RonJon, Liam, and Finnegan (who will be a pro soccer player one day and I can't wait to say I knew him when...)

Look at my boys...too sweet for words!

...and ready for another great soccer game!