Reagan's Spring Break was so early this early that it TOTALLY snuck up on me! They were having a "Celebrate Reading Week" that ended with a dress down day on Wednesday. I remember seeing the schedule and thinking, why are they ending this on a Wednesday and not a Friday...well then I looked at my calendar and realized because it was spring break!!
We had plans the first day, Thursday, to head to the children's museum with some friends. We were to be out the door by 9:30. This, clearly, required extra planning. I am pretty sure I was up at 6:10 getting everything ready. Showering, dressing, putting on MAKE UP, packing lunches, breakfast for the big kids, nursing the baby, getting everyone dressed, teeth brushed, hair done, did I mention I was sweating!? :) Well at 9:20, Reagan was finishing up getting dressed and said she was cold. I told her to get her shirt on and she would be fine. She then said, no mommy, I'm REALLY cold! I felt her forehead and she was warm, took her temp and she had a fever!! Poor thing! Not only were we bummed she was starting the break sick, we were missing out on a fun day, AND Momma was DRESSED and SHOWERED and MAKE UP-ed! ha! Thankfully that was short lived and she was better the next day. We still took it easy on Friday though, which was Maddie's one month birthday!

Aunt Linda and Uncle Gus came over for a visit on Sunday the 6th. That was fun and they got to snuggle the babe!
Monday, Maddie had her one month doctor appointment while Landon was at school. Reagan and I celebrated Madalyn doing so well with a donut and a trip to the grocery store! ha...the kids played outside all afternoon until we had to leave to go to Outback to celebrate Jamie's REAL birthday! The planning involved is crazy, but we made it :)
Tuesday was a BEAUTIFUL day and a perfect day for Longwood! We had so much fun!!
sweet baby did a lot of this :)
this girl was obsessed with the stopwatch on my phone?!
Nana met us there!
What a fun day, but I was exhausted!
Wednesday, while Landon was at school, we went to the mall...Reagan's request! She had a Build A Bear gift card burning a hole in her pocket and some cash that just HAD to be spent!
This also happened to be Maddie's FIRST trip to the mall!
Starting our morning at Build A Bear
...except she built a bunny; which she named Alice
Then we went to Claire's, where they were having a buy 3 get 3 free sale...she stocked up on Easter accessories and rings! Look at that sweet girl...LOVE her!!
Wednesday night was the Daddy/Daughter performance with her dance class. They had been practicing this for a few weeks and boy was it cute! We picked up the new dress at Gymboree while at the mall...oh and the shoes that she HAD to have!
The class danced with their dad's to "Isn't She Lovely" and I about was just the sweetest thing! All the dads looked so handsome and what a special thing to do with their precious daddies!
We finished up Spring Break with lots of outside time, snuggling with the baby, and playing with friends!