This summer is already FLYING by! The kids have been out of school for almost a month and it's crazy that tomorrow is July!
Building a terrarium, one of Reagan's prized birthday presents. I don't do terrariums, but this was painless and man do we have a lot of grass growing!
On Thursday, the 9th, Landon had his first "kindergarten playdate" at St. Anne's. It was such a nice day, but so surreal that our little man is REALLY going to be starting kindergarten!
On Friday Keith picked up something from my dad's that he has had his eye on for a LONG time, the prized John Deer riding mower!! Yahoo!! Daddy had to give it a test ride Friday night!
That Saturday, the 11th, was a sad day. It was our LAST day at my dad's house. It was the official pack it up and move it out day. While I'm so excited he and Diane are moving just about 15 minutes from us, it's still so sad to think that the house we lived in for so long is not ours anymore. That house was so special! Lots of wonderful memories. What is wild is the couple that bought the house is about to have their first baby and the husband is the brother of a girl I graduated with! Crazy huh!?
My room! I don't even recognize it though because all of the lovely blue and yellow floral wallpaper was stripped down :)
One last elevator ride! Landon LOVED Jamie's elevator, Reagan hated it. Landon will surely miss that!
I will miss this yard!
Backing out of the driveway that I learned how to reverse on (and it was long!) for the last time. I was sobbing...
Everyone was exhausted on the way home!
Keith rode with my dad in the U-haul and we got all kinds of great furniture and also are storing some things in our basement for them.
My little Mommy
Look at this big girl!
On Monday the movers finished moving all the big stuff out of my dad's and we got the piano delivered! Reagan was SO excited!
Loving on her sissy!
I LOVE this pic!!
The kids wanted to have a sleepover together, which was a great idea in theory. The first drama was Reagan wanted it to be in her room and Landon wanted it in his. Reagan agreed to have it in Landon's room and read him a book...5 minutes later Reagan walks out crying because she missed her bed and wanted to sleep in there. Fine, go sleep in your bed! Landon then starts crying because he wanted to do the sleepover and Reagan hurt his feelings...seriously...this was supposed to be FUN! Everyone in their own beds and!!!
Sweet boy send this pic to his bestie Liam who was on was his 5th birthday!!
Landon and his mini-me!
This sweetness is really Landon in a bow :)
SO very thankful this crappy little pool keeps them so occupied and entertained! Too bad after this day there was a hole in the side...
Friday Happy Hour! we upgraded this this bad boy! The kids LOVED it!!!! It was their super special treat for having such a GREAT school year and for Reagan's AMAZING report card!!
this sweetness just keeps getting bigger and bigger!