Monday, March 19, 2012


Today Landon had his head ultrasound.  It was scheduled for tomorrow, but Keith was going to be home with Landon while I volunteered in Reagan's class again, so I called first thing this morning to see if there was a chance to reschedule.

Thankfully they had an 11:30 appointment, which worked perfectly!  I was a nervous wreck at school, just waiting for Keith to call.  One sweet mom asked me how Landon was and I just lost it.  There is nothing worse than your baby being sick, having to go to a specialist, whatever...anything not "happy" going on with your kids is the worst feeling of all.

We were oringinally told the ultrasound would take atleast 45 minutes, but Keith was in and out of the doctor's office in 30, which is a miracle!  Apparently they were SO sweet with Landon and he was SUCH a good boy.  The doctor came right in afterwards and assured Keith that everything was perfectly normal, that Landon was just going to be a BIG BOY!

Words can't describe how thankful I am for a healthy baby, two healthy kids for that matter.  My heart aches for parents/families that have a sick child.  I have been a basket of nerves and am just so relieved that my little man is as healthy as can be!

Reagan's sweet, sweet, sweet teacher sent me this right after school...1 Chronicles 29:13  Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.  AMEN!!

1 comment:

  1. thank you, Lord!!! SO glad to hear the little man is okay! I know you must have been a wreck. xoxoxo
