Wednesday, September 30, 2009
C-L-O-S-E Call
On Tuesday afternoon Keith called me from work and said, "well I have some news about my job. There is a position open in Raleigh that is a good position and there is the perfect position available in WEST VIRGINIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" WOW! Keith was told he had until Thursday to make his decision...holy crap! After LOTS of talking, weighing pros and cons, thinking about life in West Virgina...I have to admit we were leaning towards the move. What I kept telling Keith was that he didn't just bust it in school for 2 1/2 years and he isn't living away from home for 6 months to take a job that he isn't 100% about.
What basically made our decision for us (both were good jobs, but advancement potential MIGHT be a little faster in West Virginia) was how much we would lose on our house! BB&T wasn't going to cover realtor fees since Keith was just graduating from the program and we would lose more than I made teaching in a year on our house! We just can't take a loss like that, obviously. So we decided tonight that we'll stay in Raleigh, keep our house, and try to live a "normal" life where my husband lives at home and is home most nights during the week. What a concept! :)
I have to say I spent Reagan's nap time today looking up Wheeling, West Virginia, what to do there, houses, public schools, if there was a Target close know the important things. It wasn't meant to be though because the closest Ann Taylor Loft was 47 miles away...that is obsurd!! :)
Needless to say we both feel like a thousand tons have been lifted off of our shoulders...and we are so happy to be staying in Raleigh! Keith will work downtown, which he is excited about. It is a great opportunity for him and totally deserves this!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Mini Golfing Outing
Yes...I'm Big!
Little Protector!
Kepplinger Girls New Dos!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Happy Fall!!

It's favorite time of year!! While I do love how it stays light longer over the summer, I do love the darkness of the nighttime in means Christmas is just around the corner! Fall means that Reagan will be getting baptized, Reagan will have her first Halloween and Thanksving, and Keith and I will celebrate our 3rd anniversary!
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Movin' On Up!

Push It...
I'm not sure why I found this so hilarious, but it CRACKED me up!! I put Reagan on the floor on Friday with her Boppy pillow...little miss does NOT like tummy time, as I have stated several I thought we'd put a new spin on it! :) Well as you can see she pushed her way over her Boppy pillow and lands right on her head! It is HILARIOUS to watch...I love it! :)
PS...Sorry for lack of posting this week...really not a lot to report! :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Chatty Cathy...Part 2!
Tonight I caught Reagan in quite the chatty mood! This post is taking FOREVER because of all 3 videos, but they were each too cute to not put up! I love hearing Reagan chat...I'm sure one day I will want her to just be quiet, but for now, I love the talking!!
This one is short, promise, just showing off the grabbing skills!
This was too cute to me...I love hearing Reagan's laugh! Is there a sweeter sound than a baby laughing? I don't think so!!
What a way to start the football season EAGLES!!!! For Christmas my dad got Reagan a little Eagles onsie with a hat and footies and it was finally worn today! I know she looks like a boy...haha...I am going to have to invest in a "girly" Eagles outfit for her, but you know what it seemed to have been the good luck charm the Eagles needed today!
Keith watching the game with "the kids!"
Shake, Rattle, and Roll!
After the soccer ball rattle lost its excitement, Reagan was onto her keys! (I have a video for that too, but they take FOREVER to upload, plus it too is not the most exciting one! So a picture will just have to do!)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
3 Months Old!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Halloween Costume Vote!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Chatty Cathy!
Yesterday Reagan was on her play mat, her favorite, and was just chatting away! She loves the little sunshine at the top that lights up. My camera cut me off, but in 12 seconds you get the gist...she is a talker!! :)
Go Pack!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Feeling Guilty...
I spent a lot of time today, while Reags was napping, researching what to do! I did come across some of the BabyWise tips, which I know some friends have used. One of their big things is "E.A.S.Y." ( time) After I read that today it was time for Reagan to eat, I gave her the bottle, we played for about 45 minutes and then I put her down. She laughed for a little while and talked, but then was out! Not surprising though because she is a great late morning/early afternoon napper.
Tonight I gave her a bath, gave her her bottle, which she didn't drink all of, and was out! I read that at her age they should be drinking about 32 oz. a day...I wrote down all of her feedings, including the 3:15am one, and she was right at 32oz! Now I somehow have to get her off of that middle of the night feeding...I know it will happen in due time! She isn't even 3 months old yet, well will be in 2 days! :)
Again, thank you for the tips! She is snoozing soundly right now and I think I am going to go lie down myself!
OH...speaking of sleeping...I went out and bought Reagan 6 month pajamas today...her 3 monthers were getting way too short for her! Such a big girl !:)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I feel like I am a bad mom because I can't get her on any kind of "schedule." I know she is still so little, but it's hard having an unpredictable sleeper. Not to mention I can NOT go back to sleep after she wakes up in the middle of the night so I am one sleepy momma!
Any tips would be great! (I type this as she is snoozing away! She fell asleep in my arms at about 11:15 and has been sleeping since...feedings are all out of whack now for the day! Oh well...)