Tuesday, November 1, 2011

5 Years!

I will say this every year I think, but it is hard to believe 5 years have passed since Keith and I got married.  I love thinking back on our wedding day...it was wonderful.  (although it started out a bit wet!)  We had friends and family travel from all over to celebrate with us and since we got married at 11 in the morning, it was a FULL day of celebrating!

With my mom and Gran here Keith and I were able to have an all day date day on Friday!  Keith even took the day off of work, which was a special treat.  He made us all breakfast in the morning and then we were on our way!  (I had told Reagan earlier in the week that Mommy and Daddy would have a date day on their anniversary while Mum-Mum and Gigi were here and that we would say 'buh-bye see ya!'  She told me that she would miss us "really much" and I said I would miss her too, but that mommies and daddies need breaks sometimes too.  WELL...on Friday as we were leaving Reagan said "buh-bye see ya guys!"  It was pretty hilarious...she was SO sad we were leaving!  ha!)

We started our day with lunch in Chapel Hill at Cafe Carolina.  It was so tastey and let me tell you how weird it felt to not have a child with me and to be out during naptime.  We had a great lunch though and sat and chatted for awhile.  Then we headed to Southpoint Mall to do a little perusing before we went to see Moneyball.  (the Brad Pitt movie about the Oakland A's)  I HIGHLY recommend!  I really just wanted to see a movie, I can't tell you the last time I'd seen one, so I didn't care what we saw, but this was a good one!

After the movie we headed over to the Melting Pot for dinner.  It was DELISH as always, but HOLY was it a long meal.  Seriously, we were there for 3 hours.  I enjoy Keith's company and the food was good, but goodness!  You start to get antsy sitting there for so long :)  After dinner we came home to hear about the kiddo's day and relieve the "babysitters", even though the kids were asleep!

my BEAUTIFUL flowers!  Thank you honey!

Saturday we took advantage of our babysitters again and headed out for the afternoon.  We went up the street to The Factory and went to a bar to watch the last half of the NC State game.  It was terrible, horrible, but we got wings and a beer and had fun.  After the game we went to a place called Clay Fusion and made a plate.  You should have seen us...not so creative people trying to figure out what to do.  However, I have to hand it to my hubby for coming up with the idea of making a plate with different milestones from the last five years around the sides.  It was fun, took forever, but it will be a fun memento to have!

working on Bailey :)

working on our house

Our finished product!  It will hopefully look a little better once it's fired.  We started with our wedding day, then St. Lucia (our honeymoon), Bailey, our house, Keith graduating from NC State, Reagan, our minivan (yes, it was a milestone!  ha!), and finished up with Landon.

We grabbed some dinner afterward and then headed home!

What a great couple days out we had...sometimes we forget that it's important for us to do that.  We don't have the perfect marriage and we drive each other crazy, but we couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else!

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