Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Day!!

Yesterday there was some snow in the inch MAYBE 2 according to the local weather.  WELL, they were slightly off.  We probably got close to 5" yesterday and it was beautiful!  When it was starting to stick to the ground Keith and I suggested to the kids going out to play in it...they were so excited.  I really don't think they even thought to ask because they don't even really known what to do in snow!  They got all bundled up and had a BLAST!  We stayed outside for about an hour and in that time we probably got atleast another inch or two of snow, it was REALLY coming down!  We had plans to meet up with one of Keith's friends from high school yesterday, which we cancelled and are kind of glad because we did get a lot more snow than we thought!

It was so fun to have all of this snow and for the kids to play!  Too bad I didn't pack their snow pants...we survived without them and are enjoying our first 2 hour delay of the season this morning :)

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