Tuesday, September 6, 2016

August Beach Week!

We had such a great week at the beach in August!  It was our "last hoo-rah" before school started!  Of course the day we left was crazy town USA...I had a board meeting that morning, a dermatologist appointment, finished packing, we were about out the door and noticed something on Reagan that I wanted checked out at the doctor, but by 4:30 we were FINALLY on the road and even made it in time to have a birthday dinner with Mum-Mum!

Summer House delicious-ness!

Friday morning started at Royal Treat and our big girl had her 1st successful restaurant highchair experience!

Mom and John left right after breakfast and we had ourselves a pool day!  It was HOT, so the pool was the perfect place.  Miss Maddie even had her first pool experience...all these firsts!!

Speaking of "firsts"...Landon suddenly became a FISH at the pool. He has always loved swimming, but NOT going under or getting his face wet.  Pretty sure this all stems from the traumatizing swim lessons he had almost 2 years ago where he was forced to go under...well little man just wasn't ready yet, but NOW HE IS!!  He was so cute and so proud of himself...not to mention spent more time UNDER water than above.  We were SOOO proud of Landon!!!  He wasn't ready to take the floaties off yet, but hey, one thing at a time!

Trip to Funland!!  Freefall is always a favorite

Saturday morning I woke up to this...LOVE our snuggles!

Dad, Diane, and Jamie came for the day so we spent another day at the pool for JJ to see all of the kids cool tricks.  The kids had so much fun and swam ALL day.

Landon even wanted Daddy to THROW him!!  This was so huge for him.

Pool fun with Grandpa...and Maddie!

We went out to dinner and had a great day!

Sunday morning cuteness :)

Big girl on the beach!  Last time we were at the beach she wasn't totally steady sitting up, but now she was such a big girl and could sit and check everything out.

TRYING to build a tide pool

Sweet little baby girl enjoyed her late morning/early afternoon nap snuggled in the shade on the beach.

Someone wanted to be buried in the sand

after the beach, it was back at the pool!

...and while I was up in the condo with a sleeping Madalyn...THIS happened!!  Everyday he was braver and braver!

Monday started with the surry bikes!  We had to split the "driving" since there wasn't a place for the babe.  I took the first 30 minutes, we met Keith and Maddie at Dunkin', and then Daddy took over.  That was a WORK-OUT!!  A donut was my reward :)

That afternoon we hit up Funland again!

Landon just wanted to go in his swimsuit, so you know what, when at the beach your swim wear is appropriate anywhere

Tuesday was $1 short stack day at IHOP, soooo we obviously had to go!

do they look thrilled?  It was delish!

Then we were off to the beach...the weather was AWESOME!!!

back to the pool that afternoon for Reagan's diving "lessons."  Another day at the pool this woman, who used to be a dive coach, saw what a great job Reagan was doing and wanted to help her with her dive.  She was SO sweet and Reagan has it DOWN.  The girl has NO fear in the water!

someone had a good nappy and was happy watching her brother and sister in the pool!

We hit up Jake's for dinner, it was yummmmmy! 

Reagan took this shot and just pretend like there aren't kid cup straws all over the place and just look at the cute smiles on my kiddo's faces :)

that night we went down to the beach after dinner to get a couple annual beach pics!

Reagan striking a pose...

...and Landon :)

my PRECIOUS babes!!  Can NOT believe there are THREE!!

The sweetest ladies were walking on the beach and offered to take a family pic for us, so sweet and so thankful to have this!

Love these action shots and these HAPPY, beach loving faces

Such a Maddie face :)

Our last day was Wednesday and we wrapped up our trip with one last visit to Funland!  Do you see Landon, NO HANDS.  Gave me a heart attack!

We had such a GREAT trip and are so lucky to have an awesome place to stay to create such special memories as a family!

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