Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Cardiologist Update...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Nursery Updates...
Just too cute...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Baby Bjourn
Aunt Heather Comes to Visit!
A Day at the Pool!
Cradel Cap...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Closet Clean Out...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Big Week in PA!
Tuesday - We hung out at my mom's for the day! Gran and Gramps were to come, but Gran had to go and get sick!! So Gramps still came to visit his great-granddaughter! It was great to see him and Reags was excited to meet him. We had burgers for lunch and a nice dinner that night. Mum-Mum was thrilled to give Reagan a bath in the sink and dress her up in one of the 10 new outfits she bought her!! It was too cute :)
Wednesday - Shopping day!! Mom, Reagan, and I headed to Lancaster to do a little shopping. I made out the best with some great deals at the Ann Taylor Loft OUTLET!! It is a beautiful thing :) Reagan got a few cute things too, mostly for next summer! I do believe she is pretty set for now! We went to a cute little place for lunch and ice cream and then it was time to go home. We had dinner at Hartefeld that night with my dad's family, which was so fun! It was great to introduce Reagan to everyone!Sharing a brownie sundae, what we do best!!
Thursday - Hang out day at Mom's and then back home to see my dad! (Reagan watched her first of many Phillies games with her Grandpa!)
Friday - We left at 8:30am and were home by 3:45! We made great time CONSIDERING ALL THE TRAFFIC we hit!!!!!!!!!! EVERYWHERE was traffic!! I stopped once we got on 85 to feed Reagan at a rest stop. Rather than have the adventure in the car again I figured I would sit on a picnic bench facing the woods, well within minutes there was LOUD thunder and it got even LOUDER! Picture this...Reagan eating, I put my little drape over me, diaper bag on my shoulder, and lugging the car seat to my car to beat the rain. I think people thought I was crazy. As soon as I tossed the stuff in the back seat and got situated in the front seat, with Reagan still eating, it started to DOWN POUR with thunder and lightning!! Thank goodness we got to the car when we did! Anyway...we made it home safely and were home long enough to unpack and do laundry before Keith came home!
It was a great trip to PA! Always great to see family :) Of course Reagan is now the highlight of each visit, as it should be!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
She's Rolling!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Reagan's 1 Month Pictures!

Last night was TOO cute! Reagan, Bailey, and I loaded in the car to come visit Keith in Winston for a couple days. When Keith got home last night he gave me a quick kiss, a quick hello and then it was off to see his baby. When Reagan looked at him, she SMILED!! She was so happy to see her Daddy!
Today when I was getting her dressed and I was talking to her about our day, she did the same thing, SMILED again! It is just the sweetest thing!!
We went out and did a little shopping today, buying a few VERY cute little outfits and she was smiling to all the ladies that were telling her how very cute she was! It was precious! :)
Hopefully I will be able to capture more and more of her smiles soon! She is getting TOO big!!
The Results Are In...
Thank you so much to everyone that voted on who Reagan looks like! DADDY was the BIG winner! That is just perfect for her because she is a little Daddy's girl, that is for sure!!
Now for a new poll question...I just have to think of a good one! :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thrush No More...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Bye Daddy
I think the summer months will go by quickly with Keith gone, especially because we can go and visit. However, it will be the hardest during the school is only until December. Once it's over we have a great trip to the Bahamas for Sandy's wedding, which is VERY nice to look forward to.
I know Reagan and I will be fine, but we will all miss Keith at home. Poor Bailey will get just as much love as I can give him.
I keep telling myself this is only a few months, but as Keith and I have talked about so many times we can just take it day by day, week by week. We will drive ourselves crazy if we do it any other way. I know it is just as hard on Keith to be away from us as it is for us to not have him here.
I am just feeling sad tonight, but it's the first night...we're going to go visit for a couple nights this week, which will be fun! Please just keep us in your thoughts and prayers as this is just another chapter in our book. :)