Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bye Daddy

Today was the day, the day we have been so excited about, but dreading all at the same time. Keith moved to Winston Salem was a very hard good bye in the parking lot of the mall today. (We had an appointment today to get pictures taken for Reagan's one month birthday. Those will be posted soon!) Keith left right after our pictures and we were all crying! (Reagan more so because she was hungry!)

I think the summer months will go by quickly with Keith gone, especially because we can go and visit. However, it will be the hardest during the school is only until December. Once it's over we have a great trip to the Bahamas for Sandy's wedding, which is VERY nice to look forward to.

I know Reagan and I will be fine, but we will all miss Keith at home. Poor Bailey will get just as much love as I can give him.

I keep telling myself this is only a few months, but as Keith and I have talked about so many times we can just take it day by day, week by week. We will drive ourselves crazy if we do it any other way. I know it is just as hard on Keith to be away from us as it is for us to not have him here.

I am just feeling sad tonight, but it's the first night...we're going to go visit for a couple nights this week, which will be fun! Please just keep us in your thoughts and prayers as this is just another chapter in our book. :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I would be sad too.... I will be thinking about you (and sweet Reagan and Bailey too!). You are a strong momma!
