Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Swell Start to the Summer...

Well it's always something, and yesterday didn't fail to keep that saying true.  My Gran has flown in for the past couple years to spend the week with us to get one on one time with Reagan, which I love.  How precious that Reagan has a GREAT-grandmother that can fly down to see her and play so much with her...amazing!

SO excited...waiting for Gigi!

We picked up Gran yesterday morning from the airport and Reagan was so excited...she kept saying "Gigi fly air-pane come see us."  We got Gran and we were off to run a few errands.  We made it to TJ Maxx where Reagan was running ALL over the place, just in total show off mode, and went to Kohl's.  After Kohl's I wanted to go to a Target down the street that apparently had a red frame I was looking all over for for the nursery.  It was about 11 and I gave Reaggie a snack of fruit snacks and I broke out my peanut butter crackers, which I eat almost everyday for a snack.  I shared them with Gran, Reagan had one, and we were on our way to Target. 

Within MINUTES of Reagan eating her cracker she started coughing and I gave her some of my water since her cup was on the opposite side of her carseat.  We got to Target and she was still coughing, this is when Mommy instinct started telling me something just wasn't right....I got her out of the car quickly as she was really coughing and just as I got her out, she threw up in the parking lot.  It wasn't terrible and she said she felt better, so I didn't know if maybe the cracker had been sticky in her throat or what.  We went in Target, bought some apple juice to get the "yucky taste" out of her mouth and again she was running all over the place.  I started to feel a little less nervous.  We got what we were there for, got in the car, and we were going to go out to lunch.  As I was turning at the traffic light, Reagan started coughing again and this time vomitted all over herself...ALL over!!  I immediatly pulled the car over in the right lane, put my flashers on and ran over to get her out.  I got her out of the car, she didn't really throw up anymore at that point, but was so sad about her "pretty dress" getting all yucky.  I had taken off her dress and noticed a couple bumps on her tummy and called Keith...he said to call the pediatrician, but I wasn't messing with that, I told him to meet us at the ER.  Thank goodness Gran was with me, she drove and I held Reagan in my lap in the back on our way to the hospital.  We were only about 5 minutes away from the hospital, but if felt like it took us forever to get there!  I ran her right in and since she is a little kiddo I think they sympathized and saw her right away.  Everything was checking out fine, but she was acting like she wasn't feeling so well.  We went back to a curtained room in ER, by this time Keith arrived, and the doctor was in within minutes to check on Reagan.  He asked what happened and that's when a few waterworks from Momma kicked in...I had been doing so well.  He assured me she was going to be just fine and that he wanted to keep her there for another hour or two just to monitor to make sure nothing changed.  The sweet nurse brought Reagan some apple juice in a big girl cup and I think they put an extra cup of sugar in it because it didn't take too long for Reagan to perk right back up!  The doctor really didn't feel as though it was a severe peanut allergy, but recommened for sure talking to the pediatrician about it.  I was just glad she was doing better, it was so scary!!!  We left around 3, about 3 hours after we got there and Reagan told Gigi and I that she was "hungie" so we stopped at McDonald's for a late lunch and came home and played like nothing was wrong...except for the fact that there was no nap yesterday, which meant an extra sensitive Reagan, but she really was pretty good.

Thank goodness we had blankey with us :)

Enjoying the apple juice...and Sponge Bob, the only cartoon on...

And by the time we got home, we were just fine!

Silly girl playing with Gigi that is how we started our first official day of summer right? :)  Reagan has her 2 year physical tomorrow, so you can bet I will be talking in length to the doctor about what to do about this whole peanut situation!!

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