Not really the greatest, but it is the latest....SO last night Reags was really coughing a lot, a loose cough, not so "barky," and she felt warm to me. Took her temperature, just about 100...great! I gave her motrin, she went to bed, was up at 12:30 and came into bed with us, but slept the rest of the night. There were the occassional "mommy, mommy's" in the middle of the night, but I just rubbed her belly and she went right back to sleep on my belly, chest, shoulder, didn't matter! ha!
This morning I decided to call the doctor and speak to a nurse just to see if this was "normal" with croup and maybe the recovery of it. She told me to come on in, AGAIN!!
Reags and I hopped in the car and were off to the doctor for the 3rd time in 2 weeks...they saw us right away and guess what? Little miss now has an EAR INFECTION!! The only good thing about this news is it means an antibiotic, finally!! Hopefully that will kick whatever this is out of her system and stay out for a LONG time!!
Poor thing...seriously, in the past 2 weeks, high fever, croup, ear infection, and now a runny nose too! She is in good spirits though, which I am thankful for!
Next winter, I think the kiddos and I will move to a tropical location so that we don't have to deal with double sickness!! :)
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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