The poll is officially closed and I can't believe it, but a BOY won by ONE vote!! Such a close call...we'll have to see if it is correct! Thank you so much to all that voted :)
Today is the day that Baby K is due to arrive in our arms and I just don't know that it's going to happen. All day yesterday I kept waiting for some kind of hint of this one making their arrival, however, nothing! I sat outside for most of the afternoon and watched Keith do some yard work. He planted 3 new beautiful rose bushes on the side of the house...this was his idea too, I didn't even have to nag for it to get done!! We went out to dinner last night too, so we had our official LAST DINNER without a baby. Crazy to think about!
If I could just vent for a second about sleeping...goodness gracious!!!! If anyone has any suggestions on what I need to do to get a little bit better of a night sleep I would be more than happy to hear. I have adjusted pillows and adjusted pillows without too much luck.
I am feeling pretty confident that I will make it to my 3:00 doctors appointment we'll see what the results of that are! Stay tuned :) Looks like we're having a June baby!
Park City Utah
3 years ago